Thursday, March 02, 2006

The (Not So) Alternative Oscars

One of the most interesting things about the Independent Spirit Awards is just how long it takes to get from nominees to winners. Here are my ridiculously quick, thoughtless and utterly unreliable predictions on who'll win at that show that happens the day before the Oscars...

John Cassavetes Award (for ultra low budget feature): Room (although Brick has the highest profile)
Truer Than Fiction Award: Occupation: Dreamland
Producers Award: Caroline Baron
Best Foreign Film: Paradise Now (the category's Oscar nominee)
Best Cinematography: Good Night, and Good Luck. (the category's Oscar nominee)
Best Documentary: Grizzly Man (not the Oscar nominee, that would be Enron, but a popular choice nonetheless)
Best First Screenplay: Junebug (if there's any justice...although Me and You and Everyone We Know would be a smart choice too, but Transamerica would not)
Best First Feature: Crash (ew)
Best Screenplay: The Squid and the Whale
Best Supporting Female: Amy Adams (I hope, but Michelle Williams has just as good a shot)
Best Supporting Male: Matt Dillon (sadly)
Best Female Lead: Felicity Huffman
Best Male Lead: Philip Seymour Hoffman (but if Terrence Howard's gonna upset anywhere it would be here, right?)
Best Director: Ang Lee
Best Feature: Brokeback Mountain

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