Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Ring returns ... yawn

The Ring Two is an entirely disappointing follow up to one of the better horror films in recent years.

The high profile sequel, which is on track to make around $40 million this weekend, traps the talented Naomi Watts in standard PG-13 horror schlock. At least it'll give her another hit.

The first Ring had an effective mystery at its center and managed to sustain an ominous atmosphere and steadily develop real tension (leading up to a fantastic payoff). The sequel mimics some of the first film's structure but abandons the atmosphere and tension in favor of overwrought "scares" (loud noises, sudden surprises, lots and lots of shots of Watts slowly approaching buildings with dread on her face). The first film had aspirations toward art, the second settles for slumber party fodder.

In the long line of bad sequels to good horror films The Ring Two can at least claim to better than most (no big deal when your competition includes Nightmare on Elm Street 2, Final Destination 2, Carrie 2, Blair Witch Project 2, etc. etc.). However, its superiority over camp classic Exorcist 2 is too close to call. There is a bit of dream nonsense but unfortunately Watts doesn't try to join a Broadway show or discover the cursed videotape originated in Africa.

Interestingly Ring Two was directed by Hideo Nakata, who directed the original Japanese film Ringu (and its first sequel, which has no story similarities to this film). Time will tell if he has a Hollywood career ahead of him but based on this the future doesn't look bright.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first one sucked too! I wouldn't see this if someone paid me.
