Thursday, March 03, 2005

%&#$ing Idol

Aloha!? You had to vote out Aloha!?! Stupid America.

Voting out Celena, David and Joseph I understand, applaud even. But in what cruel world is it fair to keep no-talent Amanda and pitiful Janay in the competition instead of Aloha.

Cruel, cruel world.

Seriously, who is voting for Janay? People who LIKE it when singers are bad, off key, uncoordinated and appear generally confused and frightened when they perform?? I hope a truck runs her off the stage next time, to justify that stupid deer-in-headlights look in her eyes every time she gets up there.

But, I like the new half hour results show. It even seemed to motivate Ryan to ask intelligent questions for once. And he didn't say "Seacrest out."

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