Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Jumping the shark has jumped the shark

Someone named Bill "The Sports Guy" Simmons has a blog on ESPN's website.

I don't know who this guy is. I've never visited his blog before today. He could be brilliant. He could be a jackass.

But I love this comment (in a post about how Saturday Night Live has fallen apart):

Just for the record, I hate playing the "jumped the shark" card, the most overplayed angle on the web -- everyone is in a big race to say that something or someone isn't good anymore, whether it's a TV show, movie, musician, writer, web site or whatever -- and that mentality ties into how hostile the Internet has become in general. Everything sucks, everyone sucks, everyone's mailing it in, and so on. You just can't win.

So I thought I would share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simmons is actually a pretty funny guy. He's often on the button.