Friday, October 21, 2005

And then there's...


Which is what's in store for anyone who sees this movie.

I don't ask my videogame adaptations to have compelling characters or intricate plots but if a major movie comes from a major studio it owes the audience something more than they might expect from a quickie Sci Fi channel original. Yet Doom delivers less.

And it's from Universal, which has already delivered a couple decent B-movies this year: George A. Romero's Land of the Dead—rent it!—and, I'm making a safe assumption here, Joss Whedon's Serenity (which yes I know I should've seen instead of this).

In Doom, the monsters are generic, the characters are generic, the plot is generic, the action scenes are generic, the gore is generic, the attempt at a "twist" is generic (hint: The Rock plays an overzealous military officer). Get the picture?

I actually felt like The Rock was slumming it by appearing in the movie. Yes, the movie is beneath The Rock. This is Jean Claude Van Damme territory.

Just rent Alien vs. Predator instead.

1 comment:

Larry McGillicuddy said...

Wow. You suck.